James Serpico's FFW '24 Fundraiser

James Serpico's FFW '24 Fundraiser

Hello friends. It's that time of year again. That's right...It's the time of year when WALKING is back in style!

Keep your knees low and your spirits high as we prepare for the 16th Annual Family Freedom Walk here at America's Keswick. We have another lofty goal to help raise funds for our Addiction Recovery Ministries (Barbara's Place & The Colony of Mercy) - this year's goal is $175,000!

Would you help support these men and women as they look to follow Jesus, heal from addiction, and be transformed into the image of Christ?

You can support right here on this page by clicking "donate"

Also, please consider joining us for the Walk itself...

Registration: 3:00 - 3:30pm

Walking or Rocking (in a chair): 3:30 - 5:00pm

Closing Celebration/Dinner: 5:00 - 6:30pm

Let me know if you have any questions...800-453-7942, ext. 1030

Thanks and God Bless!!!

Honour Roll


Robert Kenney
Apr 24, 2024
New Jersey, US


Elaine Spangler
Apr 19, 2024
New Jersey, US


Sarah Heckman
Mar 28, 2024
New Jersey, US

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3 donors
19 days left

Fundraiser created by
James Serpico


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